Kristin Crotzer
Director of Logistics
with Mitsch Design since 2016

As Director of Logistics, Kristin brings ten years experience in project management, furniture specification and interior design to the Mitsch Design team. Once an order is placed, Kristin and her team ensures that all furniture arrives at the correct location and time, undamaged and ready for final placement. Her department will communicate with the client, the installation team and the project managers to correct any challenges that may arrive.
Fast Facts
MEMORABLE MITSCH MEMORY The weekend at Wasatch Lake hands down. Spending a whole weekend with the extended Mitsch family was so much fun!
FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET It may not be as glamorous as Paris or an overwater villa in Fiji; my favorite place on the planet is quite simple. My favorite place is Lake Freeman in Monticello, Indiana. Since I was a kid and now as an adult/parent, I look forward to weekends at the lake with friends and family.
LEAST FAVORITE DESIGN TREND Not sure if it’s really a trend, but a pet peeve of mine is when design isn’t functional. Especially when it comes to furniture! If the furniture isn’t functional but it “looks good” then is it really the best piece for the project?