Mallery South
Director of Dealership
with Mitsch Design since 2017

As the Director of Dealership, Mallery brings creativity and a vast knowledge base of how to use furniture products, layout, and materials in order to bring a space to life, create solutions for a client all while keeping a keen eye on the budget. Mallery is very quick to connect with others through her enthusiasm and empathy that creates an understanding with the Client that she gets what they need quickly and effectively. She loves the opportunity to help employees create the most effective workplace possible that is supportive of their employees’ work styles.
Fast Facts
Favorite place on the planet The woods. Any of them. I love taking walks in the woods, whether by myself or with my family. It brings me back to my childhood, helps me disconnect with the world and recenter. My son and I take turns picking out new parks to drive out to and hike together for an hour or 2, and it has become one of our favorite things to do together.
Unknown fun fact I spent a lot of my childhood summers with hogs. 10-year 4-H-er showing swine 😊